What are Symptoms of Anxiety?

Most of the time, the word “anxiety” is used as a synonym for the word “anxiety”. In the past, these terms were distinguished on the basis of the associated physical sensations; this is no longer the case today.

Anxiety refers to a state of malaise that is manifested by a feeling of oppression and internal tension felt at the level of the body; it is often accompanied by the fear that a misfortune will occur or a feeling of impending death.

Anxiety is not abnormal or dangerous in itself. According to existentialist philosophy, for example, it can be manifested when an individual asks himself questions about his condition.

On the other hand, anxiety can become a symptom if it occurs too frequently, continuously and / or if it associates with other psychic or physical signs and interferes significantly with daily life.

Anxiety can accompany psychiatric syndromes (generalized anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic syndrome) or physical conditions (heart disease, intoxication or metabolic disorder).

There are no well-defined genetic factors that could explain them. However, there are predispositions. It is indeed common to see several members of a family who suffer. The causes of anxiety disorders are strongly related to traumatic events such as bullying during childhood, followed closely by family history, income, education, marital status, social integration, sexual abuse …

But the biggest factor of anxiety is “moping around” negative events. Research even suggests that a person’s psychological response to an event is a more important factor than the negative event itself. So it would not be the difficulties that will increase your stress level but the way we interpret them, ruminating negative thoughts! Indeed it is a vicious circle: your thoughts become your fears and your fears become your thoughts. It has been shown that people who do not ruminate and do not blame themselves have lower levels of stress and anxiety than others, no matter how many negative events they have had in their lives . Rumination is sometimes referred to as a “silent” mental health problem because its impact is often underestimated. But he would be largely responsible for obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders.


Anxiety can manifest itself in several ways:

  • a fearful expectation (anticipation of misfortunes, feeling of being “at the end”, difficulties of concentration)
  • tension in the form of febrile agitation, tension headache (headache), tremors, inability to relax
  • neurovegetative disorders (feeling of empty head, palpitations, or rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, feeling of difficulty swallowing, pain or discomfort in the chest, abdominal discomfort, dizziness, dry mouth, chills or hot flashes, sweating)
  • a fear of losing self-control
  • a fear of dying
  • Most often, anxiety symptoms occur as time-limited episodes (anxiety attacks or panic attacks), but they can also be present almost continuously.

The symptoms you may have are normal, you’ve had an adrenaline rush that has just warned your body of the presence of danger, so your body is getting ready to fight, as if a lion were there in front of you.

your heart is accelerating? He throbs? It’s normal, because you think you’ll have to run to escape the lion …

your breathing is also accelerating? Do you feel like choking? This is normal, because with fear, your breathing is raised in the chest area. So concentrate on your belly to bring down the breath.

Are you afraid of dying, of going crazy? Rest assured 5% of French people have already had anxiety attacks, and no one has died or gone crazy.

You also have the head spinning? Ears buzzing? This is normal, since you breathe badly, your CO2 level has increased. You just have to think about breathing through the lower abdomen, thanks to the abdominal breathing.

You also feel great heat? That’s the adrenaline that warms your muscles.

You have a stomach ache? You have a great urge to urinate too? It’s normal, because your body thinks it’s going to have to run away from danger, and so you’ll have to run. It is said that you will go faster if you are lighter, your brain wants to “empty” to allow you to be at your maximum capacity.

your hands and feet swarm? Cool? It’s normal too, because you only have your hands and feet to defend yourself, so the brain sends all the energy to these areas and then cuts the peripheral circulation, like that, if you hurt yourself fighting the lion hands will bleed less being colder, etc. etc. “

Once we understand this mechanism, we are better prepared to solve this problem. Because anguish only exists if we fear it. If we understand why she is here, and we are more afraid of her, then she can not exist.